
What is E-Design? E-Design is interior design done all online! We’ll work with you remotely on your space to provide solutions and interior design at a fraction of the cost of in-person interior design services. Online interior design is great for those who are able to help with the process by buying the items recommended and installing them on their own time and schedule with my assistance along the way!


Our Design Process

First, we’ll send you a questionnaire to fill gather information about your project, your family, your style, and the goals of your space. Next, we’ll ask that you take measurements and photographs of your space. Don’t worry, we have a cheat sheet to help you throughout this step! Then we’ll take it from there! We’ll start with a floor plan for you to sign off on before we move to the design plan including color palettes and furniture that work with your space. We’ll package the final project and you will receive all shopping links to then implement on your own time and schedule.

E-Design Packages

If you have any questions or aren’t sure which e-design package is the right fit for you, message us at hello@costnerstudio.com! We are here to help you!