quick wins to hide messes


We are in the midst of being in our homes way more than normal and I don’t know about you but ours is way more “lived in” than it has ever been before. I like to refer to it now as a home/classroom/gym/cafeteria. 

Today we’re talking about the little wins that can quickly transform your space. Not going to lie, with 3 kids, I’ve had to train myself to be okay with the disarray during the day. However, the minute they go to bed, I like to spend a few minutes putting it back together. 

Here are a few tried and true quick ways to hide the clutter and transform your space both now and “later”.

Use the Pomodoro Technique

Set a timer for 10-15 minutes and go. Clean up as much as you can. I typically find that I end up wanting to clean more than when I started and get a lot accomplished. 

Only do 10 things

When I’m highly unmotivated, this technique allows me to feel accomplished without overdoing it. Commit to doing 10 things. Bet you won’t stop at 10. 

Keep some lidded baskets around the house

One of the easiest ways to manage the mess is using baskets around the house. However, I have found that you have to be careful to have too many or risk that random stuff gets thrown in them. We keep one in the living room for toys and one in our closets for dry clean items. 

Make a mudroom

Whether you have a mudroom or not, I like to think of it as the space where you enter your home and deposit your belongings. Whether that’s your entryway or garage door, you need to contain the clutter. Unfortunately, I do not have a mudroom as amazing as this one but we improvised with a few hooks and a bulletin board on a blank wall. Main key here is that you need to edit the space ever so often to get the items back to where they belong.

Declutter in general!

The last tip is to just declutter your home in general. Remember that, the less stuff that you have, the less you have to clean up. And that is always a good thing. 



Interior DesignKaty Costner