living (and decorating) with intention

As much as I love interior design, what I love more than physical material items is to help people live with intention. And right about now, you’re probably like “Oh okay, but what does that even mean?”

It’s a hard concept to grasp, but one that will change your life and I’m not being dramatic. It’s the reason I was able to quit my corporate job, regain my calendar freedom, juggle kids and work, and the reason my home fills me up and doesn’t deplete me at the end of the day. I’ll leave that to my three kids. :)


Living with intention requires digging deep and asking yourself real questions like: how do I want to live? How do I want to show up in the world? And then making your internal values match up with the way your home shows up.

I started exploring intentional living after the birth of my first baby even though I didn’t realize it at the time. Back then, seven years to be exact, I was working a job I liked but didn’t love, had no freedom in my daily work schedule and we had just bought our first home. A home that I loved, couldn’t believe was mine, but one that didn’t properly express who I was/am and didn’t work for us properly with young babies. It was full of broken hand-me-down furniture and so much clothing. Probably all of Target. Bit by bit, I started to get rid of items that I didn’t use or need. We donated furniture. We organized and bought items that were well made and highly functional for a life with kids.

I started asking myself real questions. Like what do I want to do with this precious life? How (and where) do I want my kids to live? What colors do I even like? Slowly, we got rid of those items I mentioned, got rid of our debt, and I started working with friends and then interior design clients on the side until I was fully able to quit my job. And I’m so glad that I did!

So let’s talk about ways you can incorporate intentional living into your life. Ways to regain your home and make it work for you:

  1. JOURNAL. Sit down with a journal and dream. Ask yourself what goals you want to achieve in your life and figure out how your home is holding you back.

  2. EDIT. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Get things out of your home!! Start small. I always recommend starting with the junk drawer and then tackle an impersonal area like your closet. It’s amazing how wonderful you’ll feel with less stuff.

  3. TO DOs. Write down the list of home maintenance items that is taking up space in your head. I like to keep this list either in the notes app in my phone or in a notebook. Pick an easy task and do it or call a handy man. And repeat.

  4. ORGANIZE. In my home, I try and conceal as much “clutter” as possible. For example, toys on our main level remain in a basket when not used, mail gets sorted right when it comes in and we have a drawer in the kitchen dedicated to what stays. The less clutter you have to see, the more relaxed your brain will be! I also try to have one place for each item. Like party supplies with party supplies and cleaning products all together. Think through ways you can conceal and contain like with like.

  5. DECORATE. Go through Pinterest or magazines and find home images that speak to you. Figure out how you want to live and then make the steps necessary to create that space in your home.

The life you want is there for you! I promise. I’m on instagram if you have any questions! Xx Katy

Live WellKaty Costner