Spring Mantle Decor

Spring is approaching us so quickly and we couldn’t be more excited! This means warmer weather, time to buy more plants for our growing gardens and spaces in our home, and flowers blooming everywhere. It also means a fresh spring cleaning! This might sound weird, but I absolutely love a good deep cleaning. When my home is clean, I feel so much better. I’m in a better mood, things are easier to find since they’re organized, and there’s no more clutter or stress! Living in a space that is more intentional, functional, and organized is the key I believe to loving where you live (that and having beautiful pieces in your home). This year is all about bringing the outside in. Making your home also feel more natural and organic, can simply mean letting springtime come into your home this season! Add in some flowers, have natural finishes, and of course more plants. It can also mean selecting earth tones.

Today let’s talk about Spring Mantle Decor! Of course, we can decorate other parts of our home, but I chose this specific area because it is one place in my home where my family and I spend the most time. Gather on the sectional in our living room, and watch some good quality TV. When we’re watching TV, I can’t help but look at my shelves and mantle! So why not make it look beautiful! Here are some different ways to style your mantle this spring!


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